Post-rendering sketch, or overlay sketch, is a technique that I like very much. Based on my clients’ rough 3D model, I draw directly on the model’s blank surfaces.

This technique has many advantages:

  • The 3D model is very often something that the customer has at hand. Using it as a foundation ensures to draw with correct proportions
  • It allows the customer to select precisely the viewpoint that he/she wants for the drawing by providing themselves the image to be used
  • Details are easier to draw using sketching compared to using CAO software
  • The foundation given by the 3D image saves a lot of time, resulting in lower cost for the customer
  • …. and of course, it brings all the advantages of a stunning hand-drawn sketch!

Example of post-rendering sketch

I’ve been using this technique for my graduation project at ENSAS (Architecture university in Strasbourg, France).

The project was a proposal to build a new housing complex in Shangai, China. The buildings are to be well integrated into the environment and provide urban farming facilities. The high amount of greenery, and the fact that a student project is prone to several back-and-forth changes, made it a perfect opportunity to use this technique! Indeed, you may notice that the post-rendering sketches are also using some collages. As a matter of fact, collage is another technique that I like to use in my sketches to integrate real-life elements like humans and animals.

Hover your mouse over the 3D model images below to see the magic of the post-rendering sketch appear!